Drying Tennis Shoes in the Dryer: Pros, Cons, and Tips

Do you love your tennis shoes but dread the long wait for them to dry after a long day of playing or working out?

Have you ever wondered if you could speed up the process by tossing them in the dryer?

If so, you’re not alone!

Many people have pondered the same question: Can you dry tennis shoes in the dryer?”

Pros of Drying Tennis Shoes in the Dryer

There are several advantages to drying tennis shoes in the dryer, which include:

  • Quick Drying Process: One of the most obvious pros of using the dryer to dry tennis shoes is that it is a quick process. This can be especially beneficial for those who need their shoes dry in a hurry, such as for a last-minute sports event or workout.
  • Convenient and Easy: Drying tennis shoes in the dryer is a convenient and easy method for drying. You simply throw the shoes in the dryer and let it do the work for you.
  • Killing Germs and Bacteria: The heat from the dryer can also help kill germs and bacteria, which can be especially beneficial for those who use their shoes in a variety of different environments and want to keep them as hygienic as possible.

Cons of Drying Tennis Shoes in the Dryer

While there are several benefits to drying tennis shoes in the dryer, there are also some potential drawbacks to consider, including:

  • Potential for Damage: One of the biggest cons of drying tennis shoes in the dryer is that it can potentially cause damage to the shoes. The heat from the dryer can cause the shoes to shrink, stretch, or even warp. This can result in a loss of shape, form, and support for the shoes.
  • Risk of Shrinkage or Stretching: The heat from the dryer can also cause the shoes to shrink or stretch, which can make them uncomfortable to wear. This can also result in a loss of support for the feet.
  • Loss of Shape and Form: The dryer can also cause the shoes to lose their shape and form, which can affect their appearance and performance.

While these cons are important to consider, they can be minimized by following proper drying methods and tips, which will be discussed in the next section.

Tips for Drying Tennis Shoes in the Dryer

To ensure that your tennis shoes are dried properly and safely in the dryer, here are some helpful tips:

  • Use a Low Heat Setting: To minimize the risk of damage, it’s best to use a low heat setting when drying your shoes in the dryer. This will also help prevent shrinkage or stretching of the shoes.
  • Put Shoes in a Pillowcase or Laundry Bag: To minimize the risk of damage, it’s best to put the shoes in a pillowcase or laundry bag before putting them in the dryer. This will also help prevent the shoes from getting tangled up with other items in the dryer.
  • Remove Insoles and Laces: To prevent tangling, it’s best to remove the insoles and laces from the shoes before putting them in the dryer. This will also help the shoes dry more evenly.
  • Use a Moisture-Absorbing Product: To absorb moisture and prevent the growth of bacteria, you can use a moisture-absorbing product, such as a fabric softener sheet, in the dryer with the shoes.
  • Air Dry After Drying: Once you’ve removed the shoes from the dryer, it’s best to air dry them for a bit to ensure that they are completely dry. This will also help prevent any residual heat from causing damage to the shoes.


In conclusion, drying tennis shoes in the dryer can be a convenient and quick way to dry your shoes, but it’s important to consider the potential risks and follow proper drying methods to minimize the risk of damage.

  • Quick Drying Process: One of the most obvious pros of using the dryer to dry tennis shoes is that it is a quick process.
  • Potential for Damage: One of the biggest cons of drying tennis shoes in the dryer is that it can potentially cause damage to the shoes.
  • Tips for Safe Drying: By following tips such as using a low heat setting, putting shoes in a pillowcase or laundry bag, removing insoles and laces, and air drying after drying, you can safely and effectively dry your tennis shoes in the dryer.

Overall, drying tennis shoes in the dryer can be a good option for those who need their shoes dry in a hurry and want to keep them hygienic.

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