How To Make Volleyball Shoes Sticky Again

Are you tired of slipping and sliding on the volleyball court because your shoes have lost their sticky grip?

It can be frustrating to have to constantly readjust your footing and balance, especially during important games. Fortunately, there is a simple solution to make your volleyball shoes sticky again.

In this article, we will go over the materials and steps you need to follow to restore the grip of your shoes and improve your performance on the court.

So, are you ready to learn how to make your volleyball shoes sticky once more?

Materials needed

Before you can start the process of making your volleyball shoes sticky again, you’ll need to gather a few materials. Here’s a list of what you’ll need:

  • Rubbing alcohol: This helps to clean the soles of your shoes and remove any dirt or debris that may be preventing the sticky substance from adhering properly.
  • Towel: Use a towel to wipe down the soles of your shoes and remove any excess sanding dust.
  • Sandpaper: Sanding the soles of your shoes with a medium grit sandpaper can help to remove any rough or uneven spots that may be preventing the sticky substance from adhering properly.
  • Sticky substance: There are a few options to choose from when it comes to making your shoes sticky again. You can use a sticky grip spray or a liquid rubber solution, both of which can be found at sporting goods stores or online.

Once you have all of these materials on hand, you’ll be ready to start the process of making your volleyball shoes sticky again.

Step-by-step instructions

Now that you have all of the necessary materials, it’s time to start the process of making your volleyball shoes sticky again. Follow these step-by-step instructions to restore the grip of your shoes:

  1. Clean the soles of the shoes with rubbing alcohol and a towel. This will help to remove any dirt or debris that may be preventing the sticky substance from adhering properly.
  2. Sand the soles of the shoes with sandpaper. Use a medium grit sandpaper to remove any rough or uneven spots on the soles.
  3. Wipe the soles of the shoes down with a towel to remove any excess sanding dust.
  4. Apply a sticky substance, such as a sticky grip spray or a liquid rubber solution, to the soles of the shoes. Follow the product’s instructions for the recommended amount to use and how to apply it.
  5. Allow the sticky substance to dry completely according to the product’s instructions.
  6. Test the stickiness of the soles by performing a few jumps and footwork drills on a gym floor. This will help you determine if the stickiness is sufficient or if you need to apply additional sticky substance.

Tips and tricks

To maintain the stickiness of your volleyball shoes and ensure that they continue to perform at their best, here are a few tips and tricks to keep in mind:

  • Repeat the process every few months: Over time, the sticky substance on your shoes may begin to wear off. To maintain the grip of your shoes, it’s a good idea to repeat the process of cleaning, sanding, and applying a sticky substance every few months.
  • Have a backup pair of sticky shoes on hand: It’s always a good idea to have a backup pair of sticky shoes in case the stickiness wears off during a game. This way, you’ll be prepared and won’t have to worry about losing your grip on the court.
  • Take care of your shoes: Proper care and maintenance of your shoes can help to extend their lifespan and ensure that they continue to perform at their best. This includes cleaning the soles regularly and storing them in a cool, dry place when not in use.


In conclusion, making your volleyball shoes sticky again is a simple process that can help to improve your performance on the court.

By cleaning the soles of your shoes with rubbing alcohol, sanding them with sandpaper, and applying a sticky substance, you can restore the grip of your shoes and feel more confident and secure when playing.

To maintain the stickiness of your shoes, it’s a good idea to repeat the process every few months and have a backup pair of sticky shoes on hand.

By taking care of your shoes and following these steps, you can ensure that your volleyball shoes remain sticky and ready for action.

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